We broke up..to be honest I got ditched.
Three year long relationship has finally come to an end. How wonderful were those days..what fun we had. She was worth all.. time I spent thinking about her, money I spent dining with her, energy I spent talking to her on phone.
Now, I stand alone..with broken heart..hopeless and deserted. Now whenever I call her, her mobile is busy and whenever I approach her, she is busy.
If it had been a mutual break-up , I wouldnt have minded. But she dumped me. Insult !!
Once stuck by Cupid's arrow, now I fell the pain. I remember Justin Timberlake's song now - "
What goes around, goes around, goes around Comes all the way back around "
And now what shall I do to reduce this pain ??
Shall I start smoking or drinking ? In this way, I can channelize my time,money and energy which were all for her once.
Or shall I hang out with my friends- parties, movies, disco etc. so that I have no time to think about her.
I can engage myself in different activities to keep myself busy .
Or shall I start looking for someone new ??
I ruled out first option because i am afraid what if I turn out to be Devdas !! I dont want to get betrayed so I scratched out fourth option also. I tried option second but failed.Reason, how can my friends be daily free.. afterall they all have girlfriends. Option 3 seems to be Ok.And I tried my best but failed to control my mind. It automatically gets tuned to her.
I have finished listening all the tragic songs. Even torn her letters and cards. Oh sorry, actually deleted her mails. Now, I realized, how miser she was. She hasnt given me a single card not even Bday card. I have deleted all her SMS also. Let the phone no. be there. U never know, may need it sometime.
But you know one thing, inspite of all these pain, there is some feel-good factor. I feel more free now. I feel rejuvenated.I have space for myself.
I think, I need more time, to know what exactly I want. For time being, I am enjoying this pain.
NOTE : This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to person living or dead is purely coincidental !!