We broke up..to be honest I got ditched.
Three year long relationship has finally come to an end. How wonderful were those days..what fun we had. She was worth all.. time I spent thinking about her, money I spent dining with her, energy I spent talking to her on phone.
Now, I stand alone..with broken heart..hopeless and deserted. Now whenever I call her, her mobile is busy and whenever I approach her, she is busy.
If it had been a mutual break-up , I wouldnt have minded. But she dumped me. Insult !!
Once stuck by Cupid's arrow, now I fell the pain. I remember Justin Timberlake's song now - "
What goes around, goes around, goes around Comes all the way back around "
And now what shall I do to reduce this pain ??
Shall I start smoking or drinking ? In this way, I can channelize my time,money and energy which were all for her once.
Or shall I hang out with my friends- parties, movies, disco etc. so that I have no time to think about her.
I can engage myself in different activities to keep myself busy .
Or shall I start looking for someone new ??
I ruled out first option because i am afraid what if I turn out to be Devdas !! I dont want to get betrayed so I scratched out fourth option also. I tried option second but failed.Reason, how can my friends be daily free.. afterall they all have girlfriends. Option 3 seems to be Ok.And I tried my best but failed to control my mind. It automatically gets tuned to her.
I have finished listening all the tragic songs. Even torn her letters and cards. Oh sorry, actually deleted her mails. Now, I realized, how miser she was. She hasnt given me a single card not even Bday card. I have deleted all her SMS also. Let the phone no. be there. U never know, may need it sometime.
But you know one thing, inspite of all these pain, there is some feel-good factor. I feel more free now. I feel rejuvenated.I have space for myself.
I think, I need more time, to know what exactly I want. For time being, I am enjoying this pain.
NOTE : This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to person living or dead is purely coincidental !!
Well good work. I liked it and to be honest I want to be in a relationship that I can break up in a year time.... With this deliberate effort I would be more than happy to enjoy such a transient relation. If u have any girl looking for similar thing get me connected. :D
Why do u want tansient relation. Look for real love
I want to be a relationship which I would call lust not love. For real love is not the one you get here. And Love for that matter will come automatically. You can't make yourself fall in it.... :D so I want a transient one.
Hmmmmmm..Got it !!
But you will find peace only after finding real love
kya baat hain....
the best part is all of your poems are direct dil se..
Thanks dude !!
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