Friday, August 1, 2008

frozen inside..thoroughly dried out !!

running away from fantasies
born out of speculations
honking all the way
japing me , tantalizing me

dont spill the beans
dont look for mount
its not failure, nor submisssion
its unconcern , loath for sure

somebody is choking
tyranically being subservient
as clash of sentiments
bringing forth barren arguments

cereberations and considerations
fermentation washes away
someone bestow me life
frozen inside..thoroughly dried out !!


Lakshmi said...

I did not get the context of it. what is it about?

Mudit said...

Its about wrong allegations that one has to face in his life.

This piece of writing says that false assertions are forced on to you which may bother or annoy one.

But you remain indifferent and dont try to defend yourself.

You may be tired of it but arguing will also be futile.

After much thinking, the turmoil in your mind comes to an end and you left devastated